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What is The Lean Network

The Lean Network is a non-profit corporation composed of companies who supply Honda, working together to advance Lean principles in their own companies. It is a resource for your entire organization, where topics of meetings and workshops appeal to a broad cross-section of your organization, including your top management. In this Network, members are expected to share their successful practices frequently, through workshops, meetings and presentations. The Network is self directed through a member steering committee, which coordinates training, meetings, conferences and networking opportunities.

  • It is not a Honda organization and is not run by Honda.
    • It is a Supplier Network directed by a Steering Committee.
  • It is not a training resource to enrich one person’s resume.
    • It is a training, benchmarking and networking resource for the entire company.
  • It is not a guarantee of additional Honda business.
    • It is a great resource that can make your company more competitive.
  • It is not a Network that provides meetings for Network contacts only.
    • It is a resource for your entire company. Topics of meetings and workshops may appeal to a broad cross-section of your company, including your top management. Anyone from a member company can join any of our meetings.
  • It is not a passive “receive-only” organization.
    • It is a Network where the members are expected to share their practices frequently through workshops, meetings and presentations.